Barré - Legalmondo

François Barré

  • Corporate
  • International trade
  • Real estate
Canals - Legalmondo

Guillermo Canals

  • Conflict of law
  • Estate planning
  • Real estate
  • Start-up
  • Tax
clavell - legalmondo

Mercedes Clavell

  • Franchising
  • Immigration
  • International trade
  • M&A
  • Real estate
Costa Pinto - Legalmondo

José Costa Pinto

  • Corporate
  • M&A
  • Real estate
dindo - legalmondo

Stefano Dindo

  • Agriculture
  • Food law
  • International trade
  • Real estate
dohler - legalmondo

Nils Döhler

  • Estate planning
  • Financing and securities
  • M&A
  • Procurements and constructions
  • Real estate
Fellios - Legalmondo

Manolis Fellios

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Investments
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
Foester - Legalmondo

Martin Foerster

  • Lease agreements
  • Litigation
  • Media
  • Real estate
Gama - Legalmondo

Carolina Gama

  • Contracts
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
Halmos - Legalmondo

Balint Halmos

  • Corporate
  • e-commerce
  • Real estate
Hauck - Legalmondo

Bernd Hauck

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Arbitration
  • M&A
  • Real estate
holub - legalmondo

Stepan Holub

  • Arbitration
  • International trade
  • Investments
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
Jéger - Legalmondo

Viktor Jéger

  • Arbitration
  • Energy law
  • Insolvency
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
Katz - Legalmondo

Felipe Katz

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
Kuipers - Legalmondo

Carolijn Kuipers

  • Contracts
  • Hospitality
  • Lease agreements
  • Real estate
Noehles - Legalmondo

Christoph Noehles

  • Contracts
  • Financing and securities
  • Investments
  • Lease agreements
  • Real estate

Carlos Parajón

  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • Real estate
Pikija - Legalmondo

Irena Pikija

  • Banking
  • Corporate
  • Investments
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
Prieto - Legalmondo

Aimee Prieto

  • Corporate
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
Rot - Legalmondo

Patricija Rot

  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
  • M&A
  • Real estate
Salonen - Legalmodno

Ville Salonen

  • Contracts
  • International trade
  • Labor
  • M&A
  • Real estate
sambugaro - legalmondo

Giulia Sambugaro

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Hospitality
  • Immigration
  • Real estate
  • Trademarks and patents
Sbert - Legalmondo

Irene Sbert

  • Lease agreements
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
stasio - legalmondo

Giuliano Stasio

  • Arbitration
  • Contracts
  • e-commerce
  • Intellectual property
  • Real estate
Wieser - Legalmondo

Salome Wieser

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • M&A
  • Real estate
  • Start-up