Below you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Legalmondo.

If the answer you are looking for is not in this list please contact us and we will answer you as soon as possible.

What is Legalmondo?

Legalmondo is a platform of selected lawyers from 48 countries around the world, experts in assisting businesses in international markets.

Who are Legalmondo's lawyers?

Our members are independent lawyers, specialized in the areas of interest for the company operating in international markets: international sales, commercial distribution agreements, incorporation of companies abroad, international taxation, intellectual property protection, technology transfer, labour law, procurement, litigation and credit recovery abroad.

In how many countries is Legalmondo present?

Today we are present in 59 countries, you can see the list here

Why work with Legalmondo?

To work with an experienced lawyer, in the country of your interest and have a fast, flexible service (we work via email, phone, web-conference) suited to your needs and with reasonable costs.

To work with an experienced lawyer, in the country of your interest and have a fast, flexible service (we work via email, phone, web-conference) suited to your needs and with reasonable costs.

Contact us to arrange a call and discuss together how we can help you in your case.

What services does Legalmondo offer?

We were born to support the company doing cross-border business.

From international contracts to the establishment of companies and joint ventures abroad, from the defense of intellectual property to the management of disputes, tax planning, personnel management, transfer pricing.

Contact us to arrange a call and discuss together how we can help you in your case.

How are the services provided?

We give the company the convenience of a single interlocutor for its needs all over the world: an expert lawyer.

We assist the entrepreneur for individual services, or with the modality of ongoing consultancy on operations abroad.

What language do Legalmondo Lawyers work in?

Our lawyers work in English, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian, Italian and 30 other different languages.