alonso - legalmondo

Ignacio Alonso

  • Agency
  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • Franchising
Antiquera - Legalmondo

Renata Antiquera

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • M&A
Bergamino - Legalmondo

Luisa Bergamino

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Credit collection
  • Distribution
  • International trade
Besseghini - Legalmondo

Katja Besseghini

  • Agency
  • Distribution
  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
  • Privacy and Data Security
Blind - Legalmondo

Julia Blind

  • Agency
  • Distribution
  • e-commerce
  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
borfiga - legalmondo

Christine Borfiga

  • Distribution
  • Information Technology
  • Privacy and Data Security
Bucher - Legalmondo

Renato Bucher

  • Agency
  • Antitrust
  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Franchising

Massimiliano Castellari

  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • Immigration
Collart - Legalmondo

Jean-Louis Collart

  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
  • Privacy and Data Security
Marleen - Legalmondo

Marleen de Putter

  • Agency
  • Antitrust
  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Franchising
De Vito Bieri - Legalmondo

Sandra De Vito Bieri

  • Agency
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
devaux - legalmondo

Marika Devaux

  • Arbitration
  • Contracts
  • Credit collection
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
fredriksen - legalmondo

Henrik Renner Fredriksen

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Franchising
  • International trade
Gaspar - Legalmondo

Javier Gaspar

  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • Franchising
  • Litigation
  • Sport
grassi - legalmondo

Irene Grassi

  • Conflict of law
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
Gregersen - Legalmondo

Peter Gregersen

  • Agency
  • Arbitration
  • Conflict of law
  • Distribution
  • Franchising
Gumpert - Legalmondo

Sonia Gumpert

  • Agency
  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
hery - legalmondo

Christophe Héry

  • Agency
  • Antitrust
  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • e-commerce
Anneke - Legalmondo

Anneke Hoogveld

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • International trade
  • Labor
Katz - Legalmondo

Felipe Katz

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
  • Real estate

Eric Kuhn

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Distribution

Roberto Luzi Crivellini

  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • e-commerce
  • International trade
  • Litigation
malan - legalmondo

Alexandre Malan

  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • Insurance
  • International trade
  • Litigation

Carlos Parajón

  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • Real estate

Benedikt Rohrssen

  • Agency
  • Distribution
  • e-commerce
  • Franchising
  • Investments

Jan Rolinski

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • Litigation

Annemieke Romein

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • M&A
Rot - Legalmondo

Patricija Rot

  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
  • M&A
  • Real estate
ule - legalmondo

Christian Ule

  • Arbitration
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • International trade