It is possible to access the land register information in Portugal through the request of a land register certificate. This request can be submitted online ( or in person before any Land Registry Office.
Everyone can apply for a land register certificate even online (it is not mandatory to have a professional user account).
In order to submit the request of a land register certificate, it is necessary to indicate:
- the district, municipally and parish where the property is located;
- the number of descriptions in the Land Registry Office of the property;
or: - the tax information of the property;
or: - in case of older properties inscribed in book, it may be required to provide the description number, the book and sheets in which the property is located;
and: - in case of Units, the letter by which the unit is designated.
The land register certificate has a cost of €20,00 if requested in person and €15,00 if requested online.