Bruno Ariboni Brandi

Bruno Ariboni Brandi

  • Brazil
Sao Paulo

Practices Area

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Intellectual property
  • M&A
  • Trademarks and patents

Bruno Ariboni Brandi assists foreign clients to set up business ventures in Brazil, as well as properly protecting their assets. Active also in enforcement activities with a broad knowledge of Intellectual Property, corporate and commercial law, M&A deals, and Joint Ventures.

He joined Ariboni Fabbri & Schmidt Advogados 20 years ago. Bruno has been admitted to the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) since 2006.

Bruno earned his bachelor’s degree in law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (PUC) in 2005. He completed a specialization program in Corporate Law at the University Center for Continuing Education (CEU) in São Paulo, Brazil, in 2007. In 2010, Bruno achieved two Master of Laws (LL.M) degrees, one in Corporate Law and another in Contracts, both from Insper/IBMEC SP.

Bruno is associated to the American Bar Association – International Law Section and Young lawyers Division, AIJA the International Association for Young Lawyers, Brazilian Bar of Attorneys, Italcam – Brazil – Italy Chamber of Commerce.

Bruno is fluent in Portuguese, English, and Italian.

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    Contact Bruno Ariboni Brandi

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