Adamczyk - Legalmondo

Agata Adamczyk

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
algorta - legalmondo

José Miguel Algorta

  • Arbitration
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
Khafaf - Legalmondo

Aamr Khafaf Ali

  • Investments
  • Labor
  • Litigation
  • Start-up
  • Trademarks and patents
alonso - legalmondo

Ignacio Alonso

  • Agency
  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • Franchising
Antiquera - Legalmondo

Renata Antiquera

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • M&A
Aquilina - Legalmondo

Martin Aquilina

  • Art
  • Contracts
  • e-commerce
  • M&A
  • Privacy and Data Security
ashley - legalmondo

Rachel Ashley

  • Corporate
  • Foreign investments
  • M&A
Ballegeer - Legalmondo

Ferenc Ballegeer

  • Estate planning
  • Foreign investments
  • Litigation
  • Tax
barbe - legalmondo

Caroline Barbe

  • Labor
Barré - Legalmondo

François Barré

  • Corporate
  • International trade
  • Real estate
Batier - Legalmondo

Cathaline Batier

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Food law
  • International trade
  • Tax
Beale - Legalmondo

Ned Beale

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Arbitration
  • Aviation
  • Conflict of law
  • Litigation
Bergamino - Legalmondo

Luisa Bergamino

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Credit collection
  • Distribution
  • International trade
Bertola - Legalmondo

Giovanni Bertola

  • Contracts
  • Insolvency
  • Intellectual property
  • Labor
  • Litigation
Besseghini - Legalmondo

Katja Besseghini

  • Agency
  • Distribution
  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
  • Privacy and Data Security
Blind - Legalmondo

Julia Blind

  • Agency
  • Distribution
  • e-commerce
  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
Blondel - Legalmondo

Caroline Blondel

  • Corporate
  • Foreign investments
  • M&A
Suzana - Legalmondo

Suzana Bončina Jamšek

  • Banking
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Financing and securities
  • M&A
borfiga - legalmondo

Christine Borfiga

  • Distribution
  • Information Technology
  • Privacy and Data Security
Bougrine - Legalmondo

Ali Bougrine

  • Arbitration
  • Investments
  • Litigation
  • M&A
  • Private Equity
Brandi - Legalmondo

Bruno Ariboni Brandi

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Intellectual property
  • M&A
  • Trademarks and patents
Bratby - Legalmondo

Rob Bratby

  • Contracts
  • e-commerce
  • Information Technology
  • M&A
  • Privacy and Data Security
Bucher - Legalmondo

Renato Bucher

  • Agency
  • Antitrust
  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Franchising
Vardar - Legalmondo

Çağdaş Umut Vardar

  • Antitrust
  • Banking
  • Financing and securities
  • Insurance
  • M&A
Canals - Legalmondo

Guillermo Canals

  • Conflict of law
  • Estate planning
  • Real estate
  • Start-up
  • Tax

Ettore Capri

  • Food law

Massimiliano Castellari

  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • Immigration
Cavaliere - Legalmondo

Francesco Cavaliere

  • Credit collection
  • Estate planning
  • Family
  • Immigration
  • Litigation
cektir - legalmondo

Berk Çektir

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Investments
Chacon - Legalmondo

Ricardo Chacón Lopez Velarde

  • Compliance
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Information Technology
Charnitzky - Legalmondo

Milena Charnitzky

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
  • M&A
  • Start-up
Chinkwezule - Legalmondo

Tadala Peggy Chinkwezule

  • Arbitration
  • Corporate
  • International trade
  • Investments
  • Tax
clavell - legalmondo

Mercedes Clavell

  • Franchising
  • Immigration
  • International trade
  • M&A
  • Real estate
cocuzza - legalmondo

Matteo Cocuzza

  • Agency
  • Immigration
  • Labor
  • Litigation
  • Privacy and Data Security
Coelho - Legalmondo

Gustavo Coelho

  • Antitrust
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Foreign investments
  • M&A
Collart - Legalmondo

Jean-Louis Collart

  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
  • Privacy and Data Security
Conrad Behr - Legalmondo

Caroline Conrad-Behr

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Labor
  • M&A
  • Start-up
Costa Pinto - Legalmondo

José Costa Pinto

  • Corporate
  • M&A
  • Real estate
dalla costa - legalmondo

Mattia Dalla Costa

  • Corporate
  • e-commerce
  • Franchising
  • Intellectual property
  • Trademarks and patents
de Abreu Sampaio - Legalmondo

Marcus Vinicius de Abreu Sampaio

  • Arbitration
  • Banking
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
De Cesaro_Legalmondo

Chiara De Cesero

  • Information Technology
  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
Marleen - Legalmondo

Marleen de Putter

  • Agency
  • Antitrust
  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Franchising
De Vito Bieri - Legalmondo

Sandra De Vito Bieri

  • Agency
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
de Vries - Legalmondo

Wiebe de Vries

  • Corporate
  • Foreign investments
  • Tax
de Witt Wijnen - Legalmondo

Otto de Witt Wijnen

  • Financing and securities
  • Insolvency
devaux - legalmondo

Marika Devaux

  • Arbitration
  • Contracts
  • Credit collection
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
dindo - legalmondo

Stefano Dindo

  • Agriculture
  • Food law
  • International trade
  • Real estate

Stephan Dittl

  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
  • Trademarks and patents
dohler - legalmondo

Nils Döhler

  • Estate planning
  • Financing and securities
  • M&A
  • Procurements and constructions
  • Real estate
Doraisamy - Legalmondo

Peter Doraisamy

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Arbitration
  • Contracts
  • Litigation
  • Shipping
Dragone - Legalmondo

Paolo Dragone

  • M&A
  • Tax
Durcan - Legalmondo

Brian Durcan

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Arbitration
  • Insurance
  • Litigation
Eicher - Legalmondo

Vincent Eicher

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
eustacchio - legalmondo

Andreas Eustacchio

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Corporate
  • Labor
  • Litigation
Fellios - Legalmondo

Manolis Fellios

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Investments
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
Foester - Legalmondo

Martin Foerster

  • Lease agreements
  • Litigation
  • Media
  • Real estate
Folgering - Legalmondo

Daan Folgering

  • Arbitration
  • Corporate
  • Credit collection
  • Litigation
  • White collar crime
Fonseca - Legalmondo

Geraldo Fonseca

  • Corporate
  • Credit collection
  • Insolvency
  • International trade
  • Litigation
fredriksen - legalmondo

Henrik Renner Fredriksen

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Franchising
  • International trade
Gama - Legalmondo

Carolina Gama

  • Contracts
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
garcia navasquillo - legalmondo

Sonia Garcìa Navasquillo

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Compliance
  • Corporate
  • International trade
Gaspar - Legalmondo

Javier Gaspar

  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • Franchising
  • Litigation
  • Sport
Gaspar Álvarez-Novoa - Legalmondo

Javier Gaspar Álvarez-Novoa

  • Art
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Credit collection
  • Foreign investments
Arpad - Legalmondo

Árpád Geréd

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Compliance
  • Information Technology
  • Labor
  • Privacy and Data Security
gianoli -switzerland - legalmondo

Nicola Gianoli

  • Corporate
  • Immigration
  • Tax
girne - legalmondo

Elina Girne

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Immigration
  • Labor
  • Privacy and Data Security
Gola - Legalmondo

Pascale Gola

  • Arbitration
  • Contracts
  • Information Technology
  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
Gomes - Legalmondo

Carlos Carneiro Gomes

  • Corporate
  • Insolvency
  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
  • Trademarks and patents
Görgényi - Legalmondo

Orsolya Görgényi

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • M&A
graf - legalmondo

Karin Graf

  • Arbitration
  • Contracts
  • Credit collection
  • Insolvency
  • Litigation
grassi - legalmondo

Irene Grassi

  • Conflict of law
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
Gregersen - Legalmondo

Peter Gregersen

  • Agency
  • Arbitration
  • Conflict of law
  • Distribution
  • Franchising
Groenland - Legalmondo

Michiel Groenland

  • Corporate
  • Tax
Guldemond - Legalmondo

Kai Guldemond

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • International trade
  • M&A
  • Private Equity
Gumpert - Legalmondo

Sonia Gumpert

  • Agency
  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
Halmos - Legalmondo

Balint Halmos

  • Corporate
  • e-commerce
  • Real estate
Hangarter - Legalmondo

Daniela Hangarter

  • Immigration
  • Labor
Hauck - Legalmondo

Bernd Hauck

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Arbitration
  • M&A
  • Real estate
Hayat - Legalmondo

Olivier Hayat

  • Artificial intelligence
  • e-commerce
  • Information Technology
  • Privacy and Data Security
  • Start-up
Hayer - Legalmondo

Roberto Hayer

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • M&A
Heimberg - Legalmondo

Dominik Heimberg

  • Arbitration
  • Banking
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
Herrero - Legalmondo

Jose' Luis Herrero

  • Agency
  • Immigration
  • Intellectual property
  • Labor
  • White collar crime
hery - legalmondo

Christophe Héry

  • Agency
  • Antitrust
  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • e-commerce
Higuchi - Legalmondo

Kazuma Higuchi

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
  • M&A
Hirooka - Legalmondo

Kenji Hirooka

  • Corporate
  • Information Technology
  • Start-up
holub - legalmondo

Stepan Holub

  • Arbitration
  • International trade
  • Investments
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
Leen Holvoet - Legalmondo

Leen Holvoet

  • Immigration
  • Labor
hoogendoorn - legalmondo

Martine Hoogendoorn

  • Compliance
  • Immigration
  • Labor
Anneke - Legalmondo

Anneke Hoogveld

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • International trade
  • Labor
Iatrou - Legalmondo

Nikiforos Iatrou

  • Antitrust
  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
  • M&A
  • White collar crime
Iglesias - Legalmondo

Angel Iglesias Molero

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Investments
  • Start-up
Jéger - Legalmondo

Viktor Jéger

  • Arbitration
  • Energy law
  • Insolvency
  • Litigation
  • Real estate

John Kadelburger

  • Arbitration
  • Corporate
  • M&A
Katz - Legalmondo

Felipe Katz

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
katzendorn - legalmondo

Alexander Katzendorn

  • Arbitration
  • Corporate
  • International trade
  • Litigation
  • Tax
Kriense - Legalmondo

Thomas Kriense

  • Information Technology
  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
  • Media
  • Privacy and Data Security
Kruit - Legalmodno

Jelmer Kruijt

  • Banking
  • Compliance
  • Insurance
  • Investments
Kuehn - Legalmondo

Mark Oliver Kuehn

  • Contracts
  • e-commerce
  • Information Technology
  • Intellectual property
  • Privacy and Data Security

Eric Kuhn

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Distribution
Kuipers - Legalmondo

Carolijn Kuipers

  • Contracts
  • Hospitality
  • Lease agreements
  • Real estate

Christi Kythreotou

  • Corporate
  • Private Equity
  • Tax
Lang - Legalmondo

Sascha Lang

  • Contracts
  • Insolvency
  • Litigation
lentz - legalmondo

Alexander Lentz

  • Labor
Benjamin Leventhal - Legalmondo

Benjamin Leventhal

  • Arbitration
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
Laurynas - Legalmondo

Laurynas Lukošiūnas

  • Arbitration
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
  • Procurements and constructions
  • Transport and logistics

Roberto Luzi Crivellini

  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • e-commerce
  • International trade
  • Litigation
malan - legalmondo

Alexandre Malan

  • Arbitration
  • Distribution
  • Insurance
  • International trade
  • Litigation
Mara - Legalmondo

Prashant Mara

  • Arbitration
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
  • M&A
  • White collar crime
Markowitz - Legalmondo

Larry Markowitz

  • Corporate
  • Private Equity
  • Start-up
Molchanov - Legalmondo

Anton Molchanov

  • Agriculture
  • Corporate
  • Credit collection
  • Financing and securities
  • Insolvency
montana - legalmondo

Christian Montana

  • Conflict of law
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Estate planning
  • Litigation
Muchada - Legalmondo

Joëlle Muchada

  • Labor
myren - legalmondo

Johan Myrén

  • Corporate
  • Estate planning
  • Tax
Napier - Legalmondo

Paul Napier

  • Corporate
  • M&A
  • Start-up
  • Tax
Newman - Legalmondo

William Newman

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Arbitration
  • Contracts
  • Labor
  • Litigation
Noehles - Legalmondo

Christoph Noehles

  • Contracts
  • Financing and securities
  • Investments
  • Lease agreements
  • Real estate
Normand - Legalmondo

Clotilde Normand

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Contracts
  • Credit collection
  • Insolvency
  • Litigation
Notinger - Legalmondo

Alan Notinger

  • Arbitration
  • Credit collection
  • Insolvency
  • Labor
  • Litigation
Noueihed - Legalmondo

Karim Noueihed

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Family
  • Lease agreements
ologu - legalmondo

Alexandra Ologu

  • Corporate
  • Litigation
  • Tax
Padoan - Legalmondo

Simone Padoan

  • International trade

Carlos Parajón

  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • Real estate
Parke - Legalmondo

Bruce Parke

  • Antitrust
  • Litigation
Petre - Legalmondo

Dinu Petre

  • Gambling
  • Insolvency
  • Tax
Pikija - Legalmondo

Irena Pikija

  • Banking
  • Corporate
  • Investments
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
Pilli - Legalmondo

Conrado Pilli

  • Aviation
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Credit collection
  • Litigation
presoly - legalmondo

Christian Presoly

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Corporate
  • Estate planning
  • Litigation
  • White collar crime
Prieto - Legalmondo

Aimee Prieto

  • Corporate
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
traband - legalmondo

Stephanie Reed Traband

  • Banking
  • Insolvency
  • Litigation
Rocha - Legalmondo

Boriska Rocha

  • Immigration
  • Labor

Joaquin Rodriguez

  • Corporate
  • Intellectual property
  • International trade
  • Investments

Benedikt Rohrssen

  • Agency
  • Distribution
  • e-commerce
  • Franchising
  • Investments

Jan Rolinski

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • Litigation

Annemieke Romein

  • Agency
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • M&A
Rossi - Legalmondo

Simone Rossi

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Insolvency
  • M&A
  • Private Equity
Rot - Legalmondo

Patricija Rot

  • Contracts
  • Distribution
  • Litigation
  • M&A
  • Real estate

Tomas Rybar

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Labor
sadr - iran - legalmondo

Encyeh Sadr

  • Aviation
  • Contracts
  • Investments
Salgado - Legalmondo

David Salgado Areias

  • Compliance
  • Corporate
  • Tax
Salluzzo - Legalmondo

Diego Salluzzo

  • Agriculture
  • Food law
Salonen - Legalmodno

Ville Salonen

  • Contracts
  • International trade
  • Labor
  • M&A
  • Real estate
sambugaro - legalmondo

Giulia Sambugaro

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Hospitality
  • Immigration
  • Real estate
  • Trademarks and patents
Samuel - Legalmondo

Richard Samuel

  • Arbitration
  • Credit collection
  • Litigation
Sanli - Legalmondo

İsmail Mert Şanlı

  • Corporate
  • Energy law
  • Foreign investments
  • Litigation
  • White collar crime
Sbert - Legalmondo

Irene Sbert

  • Lease agreements
  • Litigation
  • Real estate
Schachne - Legalmondo

Lisa Schachne

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Arbitration
  • Conflict of law
  • Contracts
  • Litigation
Schmidt - Legalmondo

Kent Schmidt

  • Arbitration
  • Contracts
  • Litigation
scotti - legalmondo

Giuseppe Scotti

  • Arbitration
  • Corporate
  • Credit collection
  • Litigation
Marine Simmonot

Marine Simonnot

  • Insolvency
  • Litigation
Marshall - Legalmondo

Marshall Situmorang

  • Corporate
  • Financing and securities
  • Foreign investments
  • M&A
  • Transport and logistics
Skerlev - Legalmondo

Branko Skerlev

  • Banking
  • Corporate
  • M&A
Maeva - Legalmondo

Maëva Slotine

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Foreign investments
  • M&A
  • Private Equity
stasio - legalmondo

Giuliano Stasio

  • Arbitration
  • Contracts
  • e-commerce
  • Intellectual property
  • Real estate
Steiner - Legalmondo

Christian Steiner

  • Corporate
  • International trade
  • Labor
  • Litigation
  • Tax
Steiner - Legalmondo

Michael Steiner

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Labor
  • Litigation
  • Notary services
Sylvestre - Legalmondo

Philippe Sylvestre

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Insolvency
  • Litigation
Szpara - Legalmondo

Justyna Szpara

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Arbitration
  • Litigation
Tabeshian - Legalmondo

Babak Tabeshian

  • e-commerce
  • Franchising
  • Information Technology
  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
Thiebaut - Legalmondo

Thomas Thiébaut

  • Tax
Thieltgen - Legalmondo

Nicolas Thieltgen

  • Banking
  • Contracts
  • Intellectual property
  • Litigation
  • Sport
tickner - legalmondo

Jonathan Tickner

  • Antitrust
  • Arbitration
  • Litigation
  • White collar crime
Toy - Legalmondo

David Toy

  • Arbitration
  • Credit collection
  • Litigation
  • Shipping
  • Transport and logistics
Kortan - Legalmondo

Kortan Toygar

  • Compliance
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Credit collection
  • White collar crime
de Oliveira - Legalmondo

Marta de Oliveira Pinto Trindade

  • Contracts
  • Immigration
  • Insolvency
  • Labor

Stefanos Tsimikalis

  • Corporate
  • e-commerce
  • Intellectual property
  • Labor
  • Litigation
ule - legalmondo

Christian Ule

  • Arbitration
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Distribution
  • International trade
vagedes - legalmondo

Matías Vagedes

  • Corporate
  • Foreign investments
  • International trade
  • M&A
  • Private Equity
Vaidyanathan - Legalmondo

Ramesh Vaidyanathan

  • Corporate
  • Foreign investments
  • Information Technology
  • Labor
  • M&A
Valla - Legalmondo

Antonio Valla

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Immigration
  • Litigation
  • M&A
Van den Bosch - Legalmondo

Thabiso Van den Bosch

  • Arbitration
  • International trade
  • Litigation
Van Den Broeck - Legalmondo

Pieter Van den Broeck

  • Corporate
  • Foreign investments
  • M&A
  • Private Equity
  • Start-up
Van Tuyll - Legalmondo

Constant Van Tuyll

  • Business Ethics and Compliance
  • Compliance
  • Labor
van Woensel - Legalmondo

Hein van Woensel

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
  • M&A
Vasoli - Legalmondo

Federico Vasoli

  • Corporate
  • Foreign investments
  • M&A
verstraeten - legalmondo

Louis Verstraeten

  • Contracts
  • Insolvency
  • International trade
Vinageras - Legalmondo

Pablo Vinageras

  • Contracts
  • International trade
  • Investments
  • M&A
  • Start-up
Thea - Legalmondo

Thea Vlot

  • Labor
  • Litigation
Wieser - Legalmondo

Salome Wieser

  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • M&A
  • Real estate
  • Start-up
Wolters - Legalmondo

Reinier Wolters

  • Immigration
Mert - Legalmondo

Mert Yalcin

  • Conflict of law
  • Estate planning
  • Family
  • Investments
  • Litigation
Yang - Legalmondo

Yang Jun

  • Contracts
  • Intellectual property
  • Labor
  • Litigation
  • Privacy and Data Security
zambon - legalmondo

Elena Zambon

  • Agency
  • Corporate
  • e-commerce
  • Litigation
  • Trust
Zielińska Kuć - Legalmondo

Magdalena Zielińska-Kuć

  • Contracts
  • Food law
  • International trade
  • Litigation
Zipperian - Legalmondo

Nathan Zipperian

  • Antitrust
  • Contracts
  • Corporate
  • Litigation
Zuberbühler - Legalmondo

Tobias Zuberbühler

  • Arbitration
  • Litigation
  • White collar crime